How to create a challenge:
Please click on your username ( upper right corner) and select “Administration” from the drop down list
Go to the challenges tab to create challenges for your contest or enter the URL within the address field
To create a challenge from, please click on the green “Create Challenge” button located to the right side of the screen.
On the create challenge page fill in the following 7 fields/areas:
Challenge Name, Description, Problem Statement, Input Format, Constraints, Output Format, Tags and click on the green “Save Changes” button located towards the lower right of the screen.
Overview of the create challenge page:
You will write the problem statement on this page. An ideal problem-statement should contain:
Challenge Name: This will be the title of your challenge. Try to pick a creative and meaningful name.
Description: Write a one-line description of the main task which will be displayed when you share the problem link.
Problem Statement: Describe your challenge in details. A good problem-statement should be well-formatted and concise.
Input Format: Clearly describe how the Input is organized (focusing on distinguishing the number of inputs from the actual Input, and whether different parts of the Input are space-separated or in new lines).
Constraints: Mention the range of the variables you used to describe the problem statement. Constraints help the contestants to assess the input size and to figure out if his algorithm will terminate in alloted time.
Output Format: HackerRank challenges work by comparing STDOUT Output with the test cases. Clearly describe the Output format in the exact way that the Output should be generated by the programmer.
Tags: Enter descriptive tags/labels.
Sample Input, Sample Output and Explanation:
After you have saved your challenge from the creation page, you can edit the challenge from the manage challenge tab . You would enter the editing page by clicking on the challenge name. Once you’ve reached the editing page you would scroll down and enter a sample input, sample output and and explanation. After you’re done, you can then click the green “Save Changes” button to the lower right.
You should create two or more example of Input of whose the formatting matches the input test cases identically. Write a detailed explanation as to how the sample Input gives rise to the given sample Output by following the algorithm/requirements in the problem statement. You can create them by going to test cases tab.
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