Try to think about what could have gone wrong. Maybe your approach is wrong, perhaps you are missing some corner cases, or maybe you have a bug in your code. Maybe you're solving a different problem than the challenge is asking you to solve. Your fellow coders are a great resource! Check out the Discussions tab to see if somebody else hit the same stumbling block or ask for help from others who've completed the challenge.
Articles in this section
- I don't understand the problem statement, what should I do?
- I passed the sample test cases but am failing the additional test cases!
- Why does my code work fine on my machine but not on HackerRank??
- Are there any shortcut keys?
- What happens after I submit my code?
- Can my code write to a file?
- How do I debug my code?
- How do I test and submit my code?
- How do I write my code?
- Challenge Environment
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